
Whilst it is our duty to make the world a better place for future generations, it is also incumbent on us to do so right now, and with a sense of urgency that forces change in months and years, and not just over decades and lifetimes.


- The Authentic Promotion of Indic Civilisational Ideas, Knowledge and Wisdom
- The Authentic Promotion of Indic Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Viewpoints
- The Protection and Revival of Indigenous Culture, Arts, Sciences and Heritage
- The Promotion of Health, Health and Safety, and Preventative Wellbeing
- Removing Barriers for Women and Girls, and The Empowerment of Youth
- The Revitalisation of Indigenous Crafts, Livelihoods and Cottage Industries
- The Promotion of Civilised Debate, Dialogue, Advocacy and Participatory Democracy
- The Promotion of Knowledge and Wisdom Through New and Traditional Media
- The Promotion of Knowledge and Wisdom Through Entertainment and Infotainment
- Skills Enhancement and Education Through Traditional and Modern Techniques
- Skills Enhancement For Employability, Self, and Communal Sustenance
- The Revival and Promotion of Sports, Yoga and Indigenous / Traditional Martial Arts
- The Protection of Animals, The Environment and Natural Habitats and Ecosystems
- The Protection and Revival of Natural Farming, Foods and Medical Production
